What We Do
Water Quality Monitoring Program
The CLA hires professional water quality testing and reports this information to our members.
The CLA participates in the micorps.net water quality testing that allows us to compare data with other Michigan Lakes.
Also see Waterfront info from the MSU turfgrass science.
Police Boat and Public Safety
In 1993 the CLA wrote a grant with Montcalm County Police and DNR to fund a police boat.
The CLA provides funds to staff and maintain this police boat.
This has proved to be a very successful program over the many years.
Bill Willemin Memorial Goose Roundup
The CLA obtains all permits, attends training, rounds up the geese in a well orchestrated boat and land event.
The CLA contracts a licensed company to relocate the geese to other lakes.
This make a big difference in keeping your lawn clean.
This alone is worth the $35 annual membership fee.
The CLA create and sends four newsletters per year.
July 4th Fireworks Display.
This is entirely funded by CLA donations and CLA membership dues.
Fish Stocking
The CLA monitors and communicates DNR provided fish stocking.
The lake was last stocked with 70,000 walleye in 2011 thanks to CLA VP Bonnie Kanitz's effort.
The CLA creates and provides a directory to all its members. This is entirely funded by businesses that advertise in our directory.
This has become the go-to list for out-of-town visitors to find out what is available.
The CLA had been contacted several times by the 911 center about contact information for cottages and boats. Please help keep your information up-to-date in our directory with additional cell phone number and email address. This information is keep confidential.
Protect your property values and rights
Our Township committee has been very active over the years representing our members interest and providing a strong voice to our Crystal Township, Montcalm County Road Commission and Montcalm County Court System.
Website and Online Communication
We have a vast amount of information related to Crystal Lake such as bottom maps and links to everything.
There are many links such as to this online company to purchase lake pictures.
We have an online forum for posting questions, reading updates or communicating with others.
We can take membership dues and fireworks donations via Credit Card, ACH or PayPal.